VER9.4 Updating Challenge & Tear through the Ranks

Some of our playtesters who love to do 2v2 Ace Matches raised a lot of good issues when it came to challenge. Mainly that Challenge is extremely good in small games compared to larger games, and whoever goes first in a 2v2 games gets challenge and suddenly makes for a very deadly turn.

Since we usually play with 5+ models for mobile suits and 3+ models for SRW games it didn’t come up often for us in playtests, but I definitely think it’s an issue after hearing of their battles.

They suggested to transform the bonus into a defensive one. Currently Challenge gives bonus hits against the two people in the challenge, they recommended making challenge give a bonus block against every other unit. So let’s say GP01 challenged GP02, those two units now gain +1 Block against any other unit on the battlefield.

I think this is a great idea, since the mechanic helps reinforce that the challenge is between these two units while avoiding the deathblows they mentioned in their games. I think it’s worthwhile to include this in the next revision, let me know if you like this one or if you have a different defensive idea that is simpler than this one.



Related note, they would really really like for Tear through the Ranks to require a new target, that way Altron can’t melee attack the same target twice in one turn hahaha.

So this is a tough one, I think it’s best to keep the flexibility in allowing you to attack the same unit twice but I can see their point that some melee heavy units being able to attack again in melee against say a firepower type is very powerful, especially since VER9.4 turned Pilot bonuses into always on offensive bonuses.

I’m leaning towards raising the [M] cost but giving it a cheap option if targeting a Frame 1-2 unit.


Lastly we’ve gotten some questions about facing in the last few months so we’re updating the bullets regarding facing to be a little more structured and easier to follow.

Updating Commander Traits VER9.4

Here are three Commander traits in need of an update.


Old Rules: Commander rerolls any failed ARM Sv. Once per Game gain +5 Blocks.

This was updated to close a loophole in the past where a player could put dice on DEF, survive and then obliterate their opponent on offense. The +5 Blocks is nice but we’re going to update to encourage the Commander to always take point.

New Rules: Unyielding – Commander rerolls any failed ARM Sv. Gain +2 Blocks once per Round.

Impressive Skill

Old Rules: Your Commander has +1 Action & +1 Crit Hit per attack action.

VER9.4 introduced Dodge (+1 Evade) and Guard (+1 Block). We’ve been trying to cut down on bonus hits, since that devalues the Dodge choice.

We’ve also been working to cut down on bonus actions so it doesn’t devalue Seize the Day or the Tear through the Ranks Skill. This Commander trait has both but we didn’t have a viable solution at the time. We do have one we have enjoyed in testing but it may be too powerful.

New Rules: Reduce the cost of your Commander’s Universal Pilot Skills by 1 (Min. 0)

If you were to use the Defense Skill for +3 Blocks, it would instead cost 2. (The wording on the Defense skill would be updated to say you can use this skill once per weapon)


Old rules: Gain ARM PEN+2 vs Frame 1–2 Units. Any Round where your Commander destroys a unit or reduces it to below 50%HP the enemy loses [M-2].

The 2nd part was upgraded recently and has been well received. The first part however only benefits certain units, the Kampfer for example does not gain too much of a benefit from ARM PEN+2 compared to a unit that exclusively used beam weapons.

New Rules: Tear through the Ranks cost [M-0] vs Frame 1–2 Units. Any Round where your Commander destroys a unit or reduces it to below 50%HP the enemy loses [M-2].

These are the current drafts for the updated Commander Traits. Now we need to evaluate if these changes make some traits better than others and if other traits need to be updated as well.

MechaStellar VER 9.4 Design Goals – Evade and Guard

While it may not be apparent nowadays the three primary inspirations for MechaStellar were the MS Era tabletop game by IronHands, The Official Gundam 1/400 Tactical Collection rules, and of course Warhammer 40k.  Many of the early mechanics in VER1 and VER2 had some direct similarities but in the years since then the game has changed and developed in a lot of different ways.

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MechaStellar VER9.3 Design Goals

Whenever we make a chance to the core rules (specifically anything before the advanced tactics section) we do a version update. For VER 9.3 the change was relatively small in the text but fairly large on the tabletop. We changed how [CC] weapons work, converting them over to the Push/Pull weapon profile established in a previous update and what’s more we allowed them to knock your foe out of melee before they can counterattack.

Now that’s a big change!

Continue reading “MechaStellar VER9.3 Design Goals”

Design Goals – Shields VER9.2

In this post we’ll discuss the change to Shields, Beam Sabers, Heat Hawks and Beam Rifles from the previous November draft. From our last post we talked a lot about trying to improve survivability for units without Shields as well as an improvement to Shields as well by changing their default ability from being strong against Machine Guns to being stronger against a variety of weapon types.

Unfortunately we made quite an oversight.

Continue reading “Design Goals – Shields VER9.2”

MechaStellar NOV23 – Shields & Evade Overhaul

For me personally some of the most fun is when you have a favorite unit who is rolling really well and managing to evade a lot of attacks. From VER5 to VER7 Evade was in general pretty high, especially for the high mobility units, VER8 did a good job of flattening the shooting / evade range for most units so when you are playing with OYW units it was very rare you ran into a situation where a shooty unit didn’t have a reasonable chance to hit even a unit with high evade.

The most recent balance patch in October gave a nice improvement to the Battler, Interceptor and Firepower role, unfortunately it appears to have tipped the scales a bit too much onto the shooting side, especially compounded with the new Target Lock rules. In this post we’ll look at some options we considered before moving forward.

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MechaStellar NOV23 – HP Overhaul

I noticed in the October update that a lot of G Gundam units don’t have a good reason to invest in Armor beyond level 3, so I was working on a HP tweak for Armor 4+ units.  While working on that tweak I noticed a loophole on a Dom Variant where it could be built better and cheaper as a Frame 3 unit instead of a Frame 2 unit. 

This isn’t the first time something like this has happened, many of the points hikes in the last couple years have originated in someone on the team finding an edge case where you could build one unit cheaper and better as a higher frame unit.

When looking at this unit we went over a few ideas on how to fix it.

Continue reading “MechaStellar NOV23 – HP Overhaul”

October – Melee and Close Range Weapons Overhaul

We’ve received a lot of feedback regarding GaoGaiGar and to a lesser extent Getter Dragon specifically regarding weapons that give 3 Hits on a Critical Hit.  The chief complaint being that these units can often stack many hits to the point where it’s almost impossible to resist them in melee.  As a result we’ve had to look over these units and this weapon type and consider solutions.

For those who exclusively play Gundam units the bottom line up front is that Beam Sabers and Heat Hawks are dropping down to 300 DMG per hit, Heat whips and Dragon Fangs are now a melee attack option.  Units with high crit abilities such as Sandrock or Minaret Gundam are having their weapons reworked.  For the Super Robot fans read on below the break.

Continue reading “October – Melee and Close Range Weapons Overhaul”