MechaStellar Monthly Roster Update March 2024

For this month’s update we are delivering the 2nd half of the Zeta Gundam update by including all the mobile suits in seen in the second half of the show for both the Titans and New Zeon factions.  We’ve also added in a decent chunk of the Zeta Mobile Suit Variations (Z-MSV) and will continue to add in those and other side stories in the future.

Below we’ll talk about the new units added.  One thing to note beforehand is that MechaStellar made the choice a while ago to add a lot of granularity in Performance during the One Year War (OYW) of 0079.  Our Performance stat is on a 10pt scale, the OYW is 0-4 while Zeta (0087+) is 5-7 and Char’s Counterattack (0093+) and beyond is 8+. 

With only 3 points of Performance range to work (compared to 5 in the OYW) the mobile suits from the Zeta era are primarily differentiated by weapons loadout and improvements to armor, speed and sensors rather than the Performance stat.  As a rule of thumb, any MS confirmed to have a Movable Frame is Performance 6+ and tend to have lower Armor values.

AEUG Roster

All the new units are from Z-MSV including the Gundam MK-III, the Hyaku Shiki Kai and their variants as well as the Dijeh SE-R (whose design came from the alternate timeline story Tyrant Sword of Neofalia).

The Gundam MK-III like the MK-II is shared by both the AEUG and the Titans.  The Titans variants, Eagley and Halpuley, come from the Gundam Wars magazine that later introduced Gundam Sentinel as a fan favorite photo novel.  The Eagley, designed by Masahiro Oda, is almost identical in design aesthetics to the AEUG’s Gundam MK-III designed by Kazumi Fujita.  For its profile it is lacking in the shoulder beam cannons and instead we gave it  slightly higher speed as well as better Armor. 

The Halpuley is also a MK-III variant with a transforming system borrowed from the Gaplant, with some of its concept artwork highly resembling an aura machine from Dunbine.  The AEUG has a Full Armor variant (along with the MK-II) that adds in some heavy beam firepower.

The Hyaku Shiki Kai is a customized Hyaku Shiki with upgraded armaments including grenade launchers similar to Zeta Gundam, as well as head-mounted pulse lasers (which we’ve labeled as beam vulcans) and shoulder mounted beam gatling.  It also has a cheaper Frame 2 Mass Produced variant, as well as a Land Combat variant which is very interesting sporting a combo-beam rifle / railgun, shoulder mounted missile launcher and beam cannon as well as a Shield.  The Full Armor variant has a hand-held Mega Bazooka Launcher labeled as a Long Mega Buster, an explosive bolt knuckle weapon and heavier armor.

Last but not least we have the Dijeh SE-R which is a higher speed version of the standard Dijeh.  To reflect how different in design this one is, we opted to swap out its Indomitable role (bonus to Armor Saves, HP & Melee) for Assault instead giving it a bonus action at the expense of HP.

Titans Roster

The Titans roster gains the humble Guntank II as well as the dreaded Psycho Gundam MK-II as a 1000pt monster guaranteed to wreak havoc on the opposition.  Speaking of which, we’ve also finished converting the Psycho Gundams, as well as the Big Zam to the Super Heavy type providing more HP, less Evade and access to Havoc to cause excessive collateral damage.

Next up we have the many unique transforming designs of the Titans with some stellar work by Mamoru Nagano.  The first is the Gabthley piloted by Jerid and Mouar, we’ve given it the sniper role to be a potent long range threat.  While the Gabthley was deemed not suitable for mass production, it’s very powerful Feyadeen rifle can be seen being used by both the Marasai as well as the Hambrarbi.  

Next to that is Jerid’s Byarlant, a rather ordinary machine in a time of conflict that saw a huge surge of transforming mobile suits (TMS).  The Byarlant is the first machine since the Gouf Flight Type to achieve atmospheric flight, and what’s more it could do so for sustained periods of time without any explosive risk to the machine.  A customized version sporting parts from the Gabthley and other Titans machines would later be seen in the Unicorn OVA set in 0096.

Below that we have the Hambrabi with the murderous Yazan Gable leading his two wingmen.  The manta-ray shaped transforming MS would be exceptionally lethal in Zeta Gundam often putting the strongest machines the AEUG had to offer on the defensive, they were a remarkably force to be reckoned with.  As a bit of trivia, Methuss (me-tasu) meaning many eyed was originally the name for the Hambrabi which would have been the Zeta Gundam’s sidekick, presumably the toy sponsors didn’t want such a sinister looking machine and so it became an end of series bad guy instead with a new name.

Rounding off the TMS we have the Baund Doc, who first appeared in Mamoru Nagano’s animated short Dragon’s Heaven, and its descendant later featured in Turn A Gundam.  The Baund Doc is piloted by either Rosamia Badam or Gates Cappa, (with Jerid Mesa using one in the finale as well).  For Gates Cappa, since he pilots a two-seater with Flanagan institute researcher Loren Nakamoto we opted to give him the Tactician pilot trait.

Now we move onto the Mobile Suits designed and built by Paptimus Scirocco for the personal use of himself and the women he surrounded himself.  To go along with Scirocco’s penchant for designing advanced but very large and durable MS all of his machines were given Frame 5.  The Messala is his first transforming MS and had a very impressive debut in the TV show, though later fell behind by the end of the series.  The Bolinoak Sammahn and Palace Athene as body guard units fulfill a stealth + close range role as well as a heavy firepower long range role.  Lastly The O is a top performance machine that despite it’s bulk is capable of very fast maneuvers overpowering both the Hyaku Shiki and Zeta Gundam.

For Neo Zeon with Haman Karn’s iconic Qubeley machine which was the first mobile suit to have a miniaturized psycommu allowing her to bring its deadly funnels to bear.  We’ve also included the PMX-004 Titania, which debuted in a sidestory game, it’s background was that it was designed by Scirocco for her use as the potential Queen of Earth.  Lastly, we have the Gaza-C, Neo Zeon’s new workhorse unit and TMS.  However, the mechanism for doing so was extremely flawed and the machine was only rated for 3 sorties.

Big thank you to everyone who shot us a quick email or contacted us on social media to let us know a few of the model numbers were out of date as well as the Sniper role error. Below you’ll find a summary of updates for March 2024.

Unit Profile Updates

  • -Fixed an error on Sniper Units which was showing an accuracy 2pts higher than it should have been
  • -Due to Feedback updated the (Rick) Dom’s Flash to also costs [M-1]
  • -Updated Psycho Gundam(s) and Big Zam to Super Heavy types

Roster Updates

  • -Added 24 Units to Zeta Gundam
  • -Gundam MK III + Eagley + Halpuley
  • -Hyaku Shiki Kai + MP + Land Combat
  • -Full Armor Gundam MK II + MK III + Hyaku Shiki Kai
  • -Dijeh SE-R
  • -Guntank II, Psycho Gundam MK-II
  • -Gabthley, Byarlant, Hambrabi, Baund Doc
  • -Messala, Palace Athene, Bolinoak Samahn, The O
  • -Qubeley, Titania, Gaza-C

VER 9 Drafts

  • Brave of the Sun Fighbird added
  • Brave of Legend Da Garn added
  • OYW Vehicles (Tanks & Jets) added
  • OYW Zaku I & RB-79 Ball added

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